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A New Reik is the fourth episode of the first season of the Netflix original series Barbarians, and the fourth episode of the series overall.


Ari embraces his new role with the Cherusci but his shift of allegiances runs deeper than Varus knows. Thusnelda and Folkwin rally a rival tribe.



Runa watches Ansgar as he finger paints with a bowl of blood. She tells him to show her what he sees, which is apparently a bloody battle between the tribes and the Romans.

Arminius questions why Folkwin stopped the duel between him and Berulf. Arminius truly wanted to kill Folkwin but didn’t have it in him. Arminius then sits his sword in the flame before cauterizing Folkwin’s wond. Thusnelda arrives shortly after, and Folkwin reveals that Arminius saved his life. Arminius explains that nothing has changed; he was merely repaying a debt. He’s still a prefect of the Roman cavalry. Thusnelda and Folkwin attempt to try and convince Arminius to join them, but he insists that he belongs to Rome. He encourages them to find some place safe and never return. As for Arminius, he cannot return without Folkwin’s head on a pike, so he substitutes Folkwin’s head with Eigil’s as all barbarians look alike to Varus.

Varus and Pelagios inform Segimer that the tribute is non-negotiable. Segimer begs for leniency, to which they tell him that if he doesn’t have enough cattle or grain, he can provide them with slaves. However, Segimer refuses to allow the Cherusci to be enslaved. Segimer reminds Varus how he handed over his sons in exchange for peace, a deal that Varus has not maintained. Varus makes Segimer a proposition. He asks that Segimer make room for Arminius to become the new reik of the tribe. However, a son only succeeds his father when his father is no longer among the living, which means Segimer would have to die. Varus explains that Segimer owes it to Arminius. This is the only way Arminius will honor Segimer's memory.

Thusnelda wants to go to the Marsi for help, but Folkwin is convinced that the Bructeri is their only option despite the fact that they previously tried to sell his head to the Romans. Folkwin states that the Bructeri only believe in gold and god, both of which they have plenty of — gold from the dead Romans he and Arminius killed and gods in the form of Thusnelda, who rumor has it, is a seer.

Arminius returns with Eigil’s head, passing it off as that of Folkwin Wolfspeer. Varus is greatly pleased. After ordering that Folkwin’s head be put on display, Varus informs Arminius that he isn’t going back to Rome. Instead, Varus intends for him to remain in Germania and lead the Cherusci tribe as it is his birthright. Arminius is displeased and replies that Cherusci already has a reik, but not for long, Varus reveals. And so Arminius races off to Cherusci to stop his father from taking his own life.

Segimer returns to Cherusci as if to get one more look at his home before slowly walking into the bog until he is completely submerged under water. All that remains of him is his sword staked into the land.

Runa returns from the bog carrying Segimer’s sword, revealing that the reik is dead. She stakes his blade into the ground as Segestes and Irmina look on along with the rest of the Cherusci tribe.

After failing to stop his father from killing himself, Arminius returns to camp and lashes out in a fit of rage. He then receives alarming news — one of his men survived the attack and made it back to camp. He’s currently in the infirmary and has yet to speak about the ordeal. So Arminius goes into the infirmary and snap’s the sole survivor’s neck. Talio witnesses this unfold from just a couple beds over. He reveals that his back is infected from the whipping he received. Just as it seems Arminius is reaching for his blade to kill Talio, the doctor returns.

Thusnelda and Folkwin arrive in Bructeri and meet with Kunolf and Golmad just as a storm approaches. Kunolf questions why he shouldn’t just take the horses and gold from Folkwin as well as the bounty on his head. Folkwin argues they should come together to overthrow Rome. Kunolf isn’t interested in Varus and seeks to claim Folkwin's bounty. Thusnelda demands that they stop, claiming that she’s a seer and that the storm is the gods’ wrath. Kunolf isn’t convinced that she’s a seer and grabs Thusnelda by the hair. So Folkwin stabs Kunolf with a spear and kills him. Thusnelda claims that Kunolf brought the wrath of the gods onto them, causing them to betray their family and guests. For that, Thusnelda claims that Donar, the god, demands a sacrifice. She cuts out Kunolf’s heart. She adds that she’s seen them all in her dreams and proceeds to put the mark of Donar on Folkwin and Golmad’s foreheads with Kunolf’s blood. With this, they win over the trust of the Bructeri.

Arminius invites Talio into his tent and asks if he’s spoken to anyone about what he saw, which he hasn’t. They are joined by Varus, who inquires why Arminius is dressed like a barbarian. He explains that if he is to be the leader of the Cherusci, then he should at least look like them. Varus is pleased to learn that Arminius has warmed up to the idea.

Segestes exclaims that their tribe needs a reik, so he grabs Segimer’s sword and claims the position, wielding Segimer’s sword as if it’s his own. Irmina is overjoyed, looking at the crowds’ reaction, who don’t appear as enthusiastic. She’s pleased, but she also questions why Segimer went into the bog. Segestes believes he merely gave up.

Talio reveals that he knows Folkwin is still alive as that is not his head displayed for the public. In exchange for his silence, Talio tells Arminius that he wants a plot of land and a year’s salary for him and his men. When Arminius asks about Talio’s family, he reveals that he has six children. Arminius tells him that he should be thinking of his children’s future and suggests a possible mutiny. The Romans pretend to be friendly, though domination is their aim.

Segestes assures the tribe that they will never go hungry or dry. He claims that he and Varus are friends, so he can negotiate with the Romans. Segestes and Irmina then invite the tribe to drink with them.

The following morning, Hadgan and the Chatti invade Cherusci. His men have the village surrounded and they aren’t leaving until he receives his bride. Hadgan orders his men to kill a villager. And for every day that goes by that he doesn’t have his bride, he will kill a female Cheruscan, starting with Irmina. Arminius arrives with Talio and his men and declares that Cherusci is under the protection of Rome.


Arminius claims his birthright as reik

Segestes gathers the village on Arminius’ behest. As the son of Segimer, Arminius claims his birthright as Reik of Cherusci. Arminius then retreats back to his father’s house, which he now claims as his own. He asks Talio about the proposed mutiny against Rome. Talio replies that he needs to know more about Arminius’ plan, which Arminius is more than willing to divulge, but first, he needs Talio to find Thusnelda and Folkwin.

Thusnelda and Folkwin plot with Golmad and the Bructeri. Golmad reveals that all they have is a few hundred warriors to offer. Thusnelda and Folkwin then get word that a Cherusci messenger wants to speak with them.


Thusnelda and Folkwin meet with Arminius

Thusnelda and Folkwin meet with Arminius in a secluded field. He explains that he’s ready to fight side-by-side with them. Rome is both of their enemies. Thusnelda and Folkwin were planning to attack an outpost, but Arminius intends to attack Rome on a much larger scale — the three legions. But for that to work, the tribes must unite. Admittedly, the tribes don’t trust Arminius as they see him as a Roman. However, they do trust Thusnelda. Many admire her as a warrior, so Arminius proposes that the two of them wed. Folkwin is enraged by the notion and attacks Arminius.



Guest Starring[]


  • Pilát Márk as Tanno
  • Finn Reiter as Young Arminius
  • Matthias Weidenhöfer as Golmad
  • Sergei Onopko as Hadgan
  • Urs invoice as Kunolf the Brukteer
  • Roland Tzafetás as Bructeri Rat
  • Dániel Kaszás as Young Folkwin
  • Dajana Rajic as Young Thusnelda
  • Florian Schmidtke as Talio
  • Máté Hunyadi as Legionary #1
  • Viktor Sokorai as Chatti Warrior

Death Toll[]

  • Segimer — Following his latest encounter with Varus, who proposed that Arminius claim his birthright and lead the Cherusci, Segimer walked into the bog and drowned himself.
  • Kunolf the BrukteerFolkwin returned to Bructeri with Thusnelda despite previously being attacked by Kunolf and his people, hoping to convince the Bructeri to align them to overthrow Rome. When he refused Folkwin's proposition and grabbed Thusnelda, Folkwin drove a spear through his chest.


Episode Guide[]

Season 1
SE1E01: Wolf and Eagle SE1E04: A New Reik
SE1E02: Vengeance SE1E05: Treason
SE1E03: On the Edge SE1E06: The Battle

