“ | I am a good reik, and I refuse to have my men die for nothing. Certainly not for a Roman traitor and his whore. And if you're wise... then you'll leave, too. While you still can. | ” |
— Hadgan to the other tribes[src] |
Hadgan is a supporting character on the Netflix original series Barbarians. He is portrayed by Sergej Onopko.
Hadgan is the Reik of the Chatti, who was promised Thusnelda's hand in marriage by Segestes and was upset to learn that not only was she missing but that she was getting married to Arminius instead — the origin of Hadgan's disdain towards him and why he's plotting with Segestes to take out the Cheruscan reik.[1]
Throughout the Series[]
Season 1[]
Meeting Thusnelda[]
Reik Hadgan meets with Segestes and Irmina to discuss the bridal price of their daugter, for which they settle on five mares. However, Thusnelda has yet to warm up to the idea of being sold. Hadgan remarks that while her hips are small, she has good teeth and strong muscles. As he shows Hadgan out, Segestes reminds him that he’s not only buying a wife, he’s buying an ally. Hadgan agrees and promises to return for her in half a moon.
Hadgan attends the meeting of the Germanic tribes to discuss the fact that they must now pay Rome tribute. Hadgan of the Chatti refuses to go to war, like several others. And so, with that, Reik Segimer announces that they will keep the peace with the Romans.[2]
Runaway Bride[]
Hadgan returns to Cherusci for Thusnelda but she's fled. Hadgan tells Segestes that he’s owed a bride, but Segestes and Irmina explain that Thusnelda is gone. Hadgan is either owed a bride or five mares, but Segestes refuses to give him either. So Hadgan promises retribution.[3]
Invading Cherusci[]
Hadgan and the Chatti invade Cherusci. His men have the village surrounded and they aren’t leaving until he receives his bride. Hadgan orders his men to kill a villager. And for every day that goes by that he doesn’t have his bride, he will kill a female Cheruscan, starting with Irmina. Arminius arrives and declares that Cherusci is under the protection of Rome.[4]
Forging a Rebellion[]
Hadgan learns of Thusnelda's marriage to Arminius and sends them horse feces as a wedding gift. He later attends the tribe meeting, where Arminius and Thusnelda attempts to convince the tribes to work together to stop Rome. Hadgan argues that that is a fight they will surely lose as they lack manpower, but if they don’t fight, Rome will be their judge instead of their gods.[5]
The Battle of Teutoburg Forest[]
Hadgan interrupts Thusnelda's prayers to the gods. He admittedly still desires her. She’s the only reason he agreed to the battle. He’s sending his men into battle for her, and when it’s over, she’s coming back to Chatti with him. When Thusnelda shows her disinterest, Hadgan tries to rape her. Thusnelda manages to reach her blade and holds it to Hadgan’s throat.
Hadgan announces his plan of retreat. He claims that he’s a good reik, and he refuses to allow his men to die for nothing. As Hadgan is returning to Chatti, he crosses paths with Segestes, who proposes an alliance that will ultimately take down Arminius.
As the tribes have the upper hand, Hadgan leads his men into battle to help, claiming that they have to stick together, when in reality they simply chose the winning side. After winning the battle, he and Segestes plot against Arminius.[1]
Kill Count[]
- Roman Soldiers - Hadgan led the Chatti into battle against Rome towards the end of the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, during which time he killed roman soldiers.
Season 1[]
- Hadgan is not a historical figure. He was created specifically for the series.