Barbarians Wiki
Barbarians Wiki

So, you say you have the gift. All I see is a wench... who's pretending to be something she isn't! What do you see? Where have your gods gone to now? When will Donar come to help you?
— Kunolf to Thusnelda[src]

Kunolf the Brukteer is a supporting character on the Netflix original series Barbarians. He is portrayed by Urs invoice.

Kunolf was the Reik of Bructeri until he was killed by Folkwin Wolfspeer for attempting to turn him in to the Romans.

Throughout the Series[]

Season 1[]

Bructeri Treachery[]

Reik of Bructeri, Kunolf the Brukteer, greets Berulf and tells him that he has his mother’s eyes. He’s heard the tale of how Folkwin Wolfspeer stoke the Roman’s eagle and wishes to hear the story from Folkwin himself. So Kunolf offers them a place to stay.

Kunolf tells Folkwin that he’s welcome to stay for as long as he’d like. Folkwin replies that he’s only come to acquire allies and leads them into battle, which Kunolf is in agreement with. Later that night, whilst they rested, Kunolf ordered his people to kill Folkwin's men with the intent on bargaining Folkwin's life to Rome in exchange for gold. However, Folkwin manages to escape, though Berulf isn't as lucky as Kunolf kills him.[1]

Death by Spear[]

Kunolf receives an unexpected visit from Thusnelda and Folkwin arrive. Kunolf questions why he shouldn’t just take the horses and gold from Folkwin as well as the bounty on his head. Folkwin explains that they should come together to vanquish Rome. Kunolf isn’t interested in Varus and seeks to claim Folkwin's bounty. Thusnelda demands that they stop, claiming that she’s a seer and that the storm is the gods’ wrath. Kunolf isn’t convinced that she’s a seer and grabs Thusnelda by the hair. So Folkwin stabs Kunolf with a spear and kills him.[2]

Kill Count[]

  • Berulf — Kunolf provides shelter for Berulf and Folkwin Wolfspeer, who are on the run from Varus, who placed an outstanding bounty on Folkwin's head. In hopes of claiming the bounty, they attempted to kill Folkwin. While he managed to escape, Berulf was killed by Kunolf.


Season 1[]


