Vengeance is the second episode of the first season of the Netflix original series Barbarians, and the second episode of the series overall.
The theft of the standard provokes a crisis, reuniting Roman officer Ari with his father Segimer, and childhood friends Folkwin and Thusnelda.
Many years ago, when Arminius was but a boy, he was attacked by a wild wolf with nothing but a stick to defend himself. Fortunately, Thusnelda and Folkwin weren’t far behind and killed the wolf with multiple spears. Afterward, they each extracted a tooth from the dead wolf and made a pact: "Woden, bear witness to our pact of allegiance. We are one and one are we. Your enemy is my enemy. And my enemy is your enemy." Their pact is interrupted by a group of Romans. The three of them take off into the woods and retreat back to the village, where Reik Segimer had agreed to give up both Arminius and his youngest son to the Romans in exchange for peace.
Present day, Arminius asks Segimer about his mother, who apparently died six winters ago from a fever. She was praying for Arminius and his brother until the end. Arminius hands his father a means to measure time. He then asks about the gold eagle as he knows that they have it. When he returns, he expects the standard to be awaiting him.
Segestes arrives at the Romans’ camp. He wishes to speak with Varus about the eagle. Pelagios is Varus’ interpreter and relays Segestes' message to Varus.
Segimer retrieves the eagle and places it into a sack. Berulf arrives in search of Arminius, who beheaded his uncle, Gernot Redbeard, and for that, Berulf is seeking revenge.
Arminius recalls the day he was taken from his village. As he was being led away on a horse, Thusnelda and Folkwin chased after him and handed him the wolf’s tooth.
Arminius reunites with Thusnelda and Folkwin for the first time since he had been taken away from Cherusci. He admits that he knows they stole the eagle and provides Thusnelda’s necklace as proof. Arminius warns them of the power of Rome and how they will be killed if they don’t submit. He asks for the eagle back and agrees to part ways. Thusnelda always knew that one day Arminius would return, but she doesn’t recognize the man he has become.
Segestes has informed Varus that Folkwin was the sole perpetrator in the theft of the standard. So Varus asks for Segestes to show him the way to Cherusci. He warns Segestes that he will be crucified if he’s lying. Segestes informs Varus that the tribes are divided, but he believes that he can influence them in Rome’s interest, but only if he is reik. Varus replies that he didn’t come to Germania to help Segestes in his advancement.
Arminius returns to Cherusci, where he is confronted by Berulf for the death of his uncle. Arminius doesn’t wish to battle, but Berulf seeks a fight to the death and charges at Arminius with an axe, gravely wounding him during the battle. Despite his injury, Arminius manages to beat Berulf, though he spares the Cheruscan’s life. With his back turned, Berulf attacks and nearly beats him to death until Folkwin intervenes after he and Thusnelda watched helplessly. He knocks Berulf unconscious with a single blow to the head and asks if anyone else wants to take his friend from him.
Segimer attempts to help Arminius as he tends to his wound, but he doesn’t want his father’s help. Still, Segimer warns Arminius to leave before Berulf returns to kill him. Arminius still holds a grudge against his father for giving him away. Segimer claims that he was simply putting the tribe’s best interest first. Segimer then tells Arminius to leave once more, but he won’t do so without the standard.
Berulf arrives outside of Segimer’s hut and demands that Arminius face him. When Folkwin tries to intervene, Berulf punches him in the face. Segimer then exits his hut, allowing for Arminius to sneak out back with the eagle. After failing to stop him with a spear, Folkwin chases Arminius down on foot. It doesn’t take long for him to catch up to Arminius and demand that he give the eagle back, but Arminius refuses. When Folkwin attempts to reclaim the eagle, Arminius hits him across the face with the sack, knocking Folkwin unconscious.
Vegis informs the village of the approaching Romans. Segestes arrives on horseback along with Varus and a large group of soldiers.
Arminius stumbles through the woods, still very weak from his battle with Berulf. He tears his shirt and uses it to apply pressure to his wound. He then recalls he and his brother’s arrival in Rome. Varus told him that Rome would be his mother and father and gifted them Trojan horses.
Varus meets with Segimer. Pelagios translates the conversation. Varus explains that he’s grateful for the sacrifice Segimer made when he gave up his children. He adds that Arminius is at his side as an officer. Varus then asks about the standard and Folkwin.
Thusnelda meets with her father, Segestes, who reveals that he went to the Romans and told them that Folkwin stole the standard.
Segimer refuses to betray Folkwin and turn him over. Varus struggles to understand how a barbarian could have principals and remarks that it’s a shame Segimer never got to see his sons grow up.
Thusnelda warns Folkwin’s family that the Romans are coming for them. However, by the time Wiborg, Ida, and Vegis exit the hut, the soldiers are already waiting to apprehend them. One guard holds a blade to Vegis’ throat. When Wiborg charges towards him to rescue his son, he is stabbed and killed. Segestes arrives and tells Thusnelda better them than her.
Arminius grows weaker by the second. He stumbles through the woods and drops the standard in a lake. He eventually manages to retrieve it, though he looks over and momentarily meets the sights of a non-existing wolf.
Varus has killed Folkwin’s entire family and crucified them in front of the tribe. Pelagios translates as Varus explains the manner in which Rome punishes hubris. He demands that they bring him the standard and Folkwin. Only then will peace reign once more. And anyone who dares take down the crucified will be crucified themselves.
After Varus leaves, Hanno and Eigil confront Segestes for his treachery. Irmina watches helplessly as he is chastised. Segestes claims this is Folkwin’s fault. He betrayed the reik and challenged Rome. However, Hanno and Eigil remain true, reminding Segestes how he even rides with the men who made his son a cripple. Segimer pushes Segestes to the ground and shames everyone for arguing in front of the dead in such a manner and dismisses the tribe.
Folkwin awakens in the woods and returns to the village, where Thusnelda warns him against proceeding any further into Cherusci. But he does so nonetheless and finds that his entire family has been crucified. Thusnelda tells him to leave as his life is in danger. Folkwin refuses to allow his family to hang. He wishes to take them down first. Berulf approaches and tells him that he, Hanno, Eigil, Luco, and the other guys will follow him wherever he goes. As Folkwin attempts to take his family down, Berulf hits him over the head and carries him out of the village for his own safety.
Arminius limps back to camp and collapses onto the ground just outside the barrier. Arminius is taken inside, Varus tells him that he is proud of him. Arminius then requests redeployment to Rome. Varus has already sent a messenger to put Arminius’ name forward to the emperor for knighthood. But Arminius has one final task. He must bring them the head of Folkwin Wolfspeer.
Starring[]Guest Starring[]
Death Toll[]
- Wolfspeer Family: — Folkwin's entire family was sentenced to death and crucifed by Varus after learning that he had stolen the gold standard from Rome.
Episode Guide[]
Season 1 | |
SE1E01: Wolf and Eagle | SE1E04: A New Reik |
SE1E02: Vengeance | SE1E05: Treason |
SE1E03: On the Edge | SE1E06: The Battle |